Fuel level
sensors ITALON
ITALON Fuel Level Sensors (FLS) measure fuel level in fuel tanks of the vehicles and stationary objects.
ITALON FLS are connected to GPS devices which in turn transfer all the data along with the fuel information to a server part of the solution.

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Fuel level sensor "ITALON" received a metrological certificate
18 September 2020

Fuel level sensor "ITALON" received a metrological certificate

The fuel level sensor “ITALON” received a metrological certificate or a certificate of type approval of measuring instruments - a document issued by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of the Russian Federation.

What does it mean?
The certificate certifies that the specified type of measuring instruments (“ITALON” fuel level sensor) has an error not exceeding that stated in the documentation for the device. A fuel level sensor with such a certificate can be used for both commercial and technological metering, without a certificate - only for technological metering.

Information on the state register

Basic data


Capacitive fuel level sensors ITALON

Registration year


Calibration interval / Verification frequency

2 years

 Manufacturer country


Certificate Information

Certificate validity period


Certificate number


 Certificate type (C - series / E - batch)


We have passed EU certification
13 December 2019

We have passed EU certification

E-MARK.jpgITALON has passed the certification of the European Union and received an E-Mark certificate.

What gives E-Mark our products?

  • Certified companies have proven that their products meet the basic requirements of road safety and environmental protection;
  • E-Mark certification means compliance with European standards for our products.

Decree of the Government of Russia N 153
13 February 2018

Decree of the Government of Russia N 153

unnamed_1.jpgDecree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 13, 2018 N 153 On approval of the Rules for equipping vehicles of categories M2, M3 and vehicles of category N used for the transport of dangerous goods with GLONASS or GLONASS / GPS satellite navigation equipment.


The full text of the resolution can be downloaded from the link Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 13, 2018 No. 153 or from the website of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Once again, explanation of the types of vehicles:

  • Category M2 - Vehicles used for the carriage of passengers, having, in addition to the driver’s seat, more than eight seats, technically permissible maximum mass of which does not exceed 5 tons.

  • Category M3 - Vehicles used for the carriage of passengers, having, in addition to the driver’s seat, more than eight seats, technically permissible maximum mass of which exceeds 5 tons.

  • Category N is freight vehicles. It is divided into several subcategories:

  • Category N1 - Vehicles intended for the carriage of goods having a technically permissible maximum mass of not more than 3.5 tons.

  • Category N2 - Vehicles intended for the carriage of goods, having a technically permissible maximum mass of more than 3.5 tons, but not more than 12 tons.

  • Category N3 - Vehicles intended for the carriage of goods having a technically permissible maximum mass of more than 12 tons.

Our current comments on 02/28/2018:

  1. Provided that the categories of vehicles indicated in the Government Decree were equipped with telematics terminals before the Decree entered into force, and this navigation equipment has the ability to transfer data to the server in the EGTS protocol, then these vehicles do not need to be re-equipped.
  2. All vehicles that fit the specified categories and are equipped after the date of entry into force of the order (April 13, 2018) must be equipped with devices certified in accordance with Form 2c for compliance with the requirements of TR CU 018/2011, clause 117 (Satellite equipment navigation).
  3. In order to confirm the installation of the device before the entry into force of the Decree, the vehicle owner will need to present to the regulatory authorities confirming documents confirming the date of equipment: Service certificates, delivery notes, statement of balance, installation agreement, etc.
  4. The main condition for both vehicles already equipped and equipped after April 11 is the use of SIM cards from GLONASS JSC in terminals, which means the transfer of all telematics data to the GLONASS JSC servers using SIM cards / sims chips of GLONASS JSC. For this, GLONASS has recently become a virtual mobile operator.
  5. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 153 of February 13, 2018 applies to any category N if the vehicle is transporting dangerous goods.
  6. The equipment that will be installed on vehicles after 04/13/2018 will be subject to the requirements of the technical regulation of the Customs Union 018/2011, namely paragraph 117 (Satellite navigation equipment). Information can be found in the appendix to the regulation. The document can be downloaded from the link TECHNICAL REGULATION TR TS 0182011

The full text of the rules is given below:

Approved by
government decree
Russian Federation
dated February 13, 2018 N 153


1. These Rules establish the procedure for equipping vehicles classified in accordance with the technical regulation of the Customs Union “On the safety of wheeled vehicles” (TR TS 018/2011) (hereinafter the technical regulation) to vehicles of categories M2, M3 and vehicles of category N used for the transport of dangerous goods (hereinafter referred to as vehicles), with GLONASS or GLONASS / GPS satellite navigation equipment (hereinafter referred to as satellite navigation equipment) in order to improve the efficiency of vehicle traffic control and the level of safety of passengers and dangerous goods.
The requirements provided for by these Rules do not apply to vehicles used to provide agencies that provide for the military and equivalent service, internal affairs bodies, and also used by individuals for needs not related to entrepreneurial activity.
2. The equipment of vehicles with satellite navigation equipment is provided by their owners (owners) in accordance with the technical documentation of the manufacturers of satellite navigation equipment.
3. Vehicles shall be equipped with operable satellite navigation equipment that meets the following requirements:
a) meets the requirements of technical regulations;
b) ensures the determination and transfer to the Federal Service for Supervision of Transport information on the geographical latitude and longitude of the location of the vehicle, its travel angle and speed, time and date of fixing the location of the vehicle with a transmission interval of not more than 30 seconds through the State Automated Information System “ERA-GLONASS” (hereinafter referred to as the “ERA-GLONASS” system);
c) provides for the presence of a personal universal identification card of the subscriber containing the profile of a mobile radiotelephone communication network that ensures the functioning of the ERA-GLONASS system.
4. When equipping a vehicle with satellite navigation equipment, the installation of satellite navigation equipment on a vehicle and its identification in the ERA-GLONASS system are ensured.
With regard to satellite navigation equipment that is installed on vehicles prior to the date of entry into force of these Rules, its identification in the ERA-GLONASS system is provided.
5. Installation of satellite navigation equipment on a vehicle is carried out in accordance with paragraph 16 of the interstate standard GOST 33472-2015 “Global navigation satellite system. "Satellite navigation equipment for equipping wheeled vehicles of categories M and N. General technical requirements." The location of the satellite navigation equipment on the vehicle is determined on the basis of its technical characteristics and design features of the vehicle.
6. The identification of satellite navigation equipment is provided by the operator of the ERA-GLONASS system by posting in the ERA-GLONASS system and transferring to the Federal Transport Supervision Service the following information:
state registration mark, identification number (VIN), make, model, category of the vehicle in accordance with the technical regulations, year of manufacture of the vehicle, series, number, date of issue of the vehicle registration certificate and vehicle passport;
the identification number of the satellite navigation equipment and the identification number of the subscriber’s personal universal identification card containing the profile of the mobile radiotelephone communication network that ensures the functioning of the ERA-GLONASS system;
name of the legal entity or surname, name and patronymic (if any) of the individual entrepreneur who is the owner (owner) of the vehicle, address of location, phone number, email address of the owner (owner) of the vehicle.
When identifying satellite navigation equipment, its operability is checked by testing the correct sending and receiving of information by the ERA-GLONASS system.
7. Information interaction between the operator of the ERA-GLONASS system and the Federal Service for Supervision in the field of transport on the transmission of information provided for by these Rules is determined by the agreement concluded by the operator of the ERA-GLONASS system and the Federal Service for Supervision in the field of transport.
8. In the event of replacement of the satellite navigation equipment that the vehicle is equipped with, as well as changes in information about the vehicle, satellite navigation equipment, and the vehicle owner (s) specified in clause 6 of these Rules, the vehicle owner (s) ensures that events provided for in paragraph 6 of these Rules.

GLONASS installation transferred
26 May 2020

GLONASS installation transferred


The next postponement of the entry into force of PP No. 153 is designed to reduce the burden on fleets in a pandemic and economic crisis. However, the authorities have not yet given a direct answer to the question of concern to many whether the stages of the mandatory installation of tachographs will be adjusted.

The new terms for equipping GLONASS to the requirements of PP No. 153 were approved by RF Government Decree No. 597 of April 28, 2020. Recall that this is not the first moratorium on Resolution No. 153, which was adopted back in 2018. First, the deadlines were postponed until July 1, 2019, then until the end of May 2020 (according to resolution No. 877). In the last document adopted, the postponement is worded as follows:

Item 5. "In the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 10, 2019 No. 877" On the suspension of the Rules for equipping vehicles of categories M2, MZ and vehicles of category N used for the transport of dangerous goods with GLONASS or GLONASS / GPS satellite navigation equipment " (The collection of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2019, No. 28, Article 3798), replace the numbers “2020” with the numbers “2021”.

As stated in the official cover letter:

“The postponement applies to passenger buses carrying more than eight passengers and vehicles used to transport dangerous goods. This measure will help reduce the administrative burden on the transport industry, which was among those affected by the spread of the new coronavirus infection."

Also, according to the decree No. 597, the deadlines for fulfilling such requirements as:

  • transportation of children on buses no older than 10 years old (until June 30, 2021);
  • the introduction of the requirements of the European Agreement on the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) on type approval certificates for tanks (until 2022);
  • the use of grounds for refusing to make changes to the design of the vehicle due to the lack of a conclusion and protocol in the register of conclusions (until February 1, 2021).

Despite the fact that trucking was among the areas most affected recently, other mandatory requirements for equipping vehicles with tachographs are not canceled. The industry community has repeatedly come forward with the initiative to postpone the installation of tachographs on passenger buses and individuals, as well as make concessions for all types of transportation in terms of observing work and rest regimes. But so far there are no such concessions.

Recall that commercial trucks and buses should have been equipped with tachographs for a long time, with the exception of city buses - they have a moratorium until July 1, 2020.

unnamed.pngUpdated: According to the Ministry of Transport, the agency still proposes to “postpone the entry into force of the requirement to equip tachographs for buses that regularly carry passengers in urban traffic. This measure will affect about 96 thousand city buses and will allow redistributing funds previously planned for purchase of tachographs, to finance the shortfall in revenue of carriers. "

Trucks N2, N3 and buses M2, M3, owned by individuals, must also be equipped with tachographs during 2020-2021. in stages depending on the ecological class. You can familiarize yourself with the table of installation dates in this article.

Promotion for partners
25 May 2020

Promotion for partners

If you thought for a long time, but did not dare to start cooperation with us, now is the time! ⠀

We provide a FUEL LEVEL SENSOR for testing to all new partners!
What you need to get a fuel level sensor for a test for free? ⠀⠀

write a request by mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
or call 8-800-700-82-88⠀
leave a request on italonpro.com

☑️ our managers will contact you and explain all the conditions ⠀
☑️ fuel level sensor is provided for the test - for free!

Work with pleasure!

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